當我在菲律賓宿霧遊學(學英語)時,我的朋友(她來自日本)邀我一起學潛水,因為大家都說在那裡學潛水很便宜。 所以我在宿霧拿到了open water (OW) 初級開放水域潛水員證照,(以下簡稱ow) 只花了我兩天時間。(令人驚訝)


      我的ow教練是一個年輕的日本人,我很驚訝他說:“事實上,妳們是我的第一組學生,我為妳感到驕傲!"。 其實他是一位很好的新科教練,但我真的感到抱歉,因為我上課時其實都聽不懂,我總在想「你在說什麼? 這是什麼意思?  」“ 而且當我有問題,也不知道該怎麼用英語問他...而且我也不會說日文。 


    我拿到潛水執照後,第一次潛水是到宿霧知名的"沙丁魚風暴"墨寶 Moalboal (fun dive),當時帶我的一位香港教練對我說"5米三分鐘停留" 我還問他這句話是什麼意思? 他對我說..妳真的有OW證照嗎?...我覺得帶妳像再帶體驗潛水,妳沒辦法自己控制方向和前進,建議妳多去潛水,或是回台灣找台灣的教練重新學一次。




    我回到台灣後,回憶起我第一次在台北(北海岸)潛水時,那也是一次很糟的經歷,我總是像沖天炮一樣上上下下(上升和沉到底)也無法控制自己的潛水方式和位置。 (中性浮力很差)大家都很震驚也很擔心我。每次去潛水回來都帶了滿腳傷痕累累...


    我知道許多潛水員不喜歡與新的潛水員一起潛水,大家都希望在海洋中享受自由的潛水,不想有一個糟糕的潛伴,還需要去照顧他們。 我很傷心,我想和大家一起潛水,我想享受潛水,而不是總是帶給大家麻煩和問題。


▼ 後來我經由朋友介紹到墾丁 E哥潛水 學習AOW 進階潛水執照,e哥看我這個不合格的 OW,就重新幫我複習了許多OW課程。


     說實在的,我以前並沒有好的潛水技術,因為當我在宿霧學潛水時,我的日本教練是用英語教我,但我的英文聽和說並不是很好,很多時候我都聽不懂...「你在說什麼?」  “我覺得深潛非常重要的,有一些難的術語需要了解,以及如何控制自己的潛水技能。



    我在宿霧付了錢就得到了執照,但是我花了更多的時間在台灣再學一次。那為什麼我不在台灣學一次就好? 等我學會之後,我可以在宿霧更享受潛水的樂趣。  這是我在宿霧學習潛水後的經驗,我想給我的朋友一些有關考水肺潛水執照的建議。

    ▼我回台灣後再考AOW進階潛水員,並複習了 OW課程,E哥教練說,女生就要美美的,幫我準備了很多網美 style的裝備,哈哈哈!

        現在,我的潛水技能比以前更好,我想對我的AOW教練James“ e哥”表示感謝,謝謝你再次教我所有的水肺潛水技能(ow重新複習一遍),並且認真教學,許多人都說e哥是個負責任的教練,不是只有發了證照就不帶學生了,所以還是許多學生會一直回來跟著e哥去潛水。 




  墾丁的海域有豐富的珊瑚礁生態,和住在台灣沿海的魚...很親切, 哈哈哈!

    後壁湖學潛水除了有小魚,也常遇到大魚和一些驚奇的海洋生物喔!! OW學生海習,不怕不怕,有e哥照顧你們!!


    我想推薦“ e哥潛水”給大家,e哥有很多教學經驗,他十分有耐心,且注重潛水安全並照顧他的學生。 如果您想學習開放水域(OW)或(AOW)進階潛水員執照,e哥是一位很好的潛水教練喔! 來獲得潛水執照並我們一起潛水吧!



      另外我的AOW 進階潛水課程是在恆春、小琉球和綠島等地,e哥也有開小琉球或外島移地訓練班,邊玩邊學潛水也很不錯喔!! 如果已經有OW證照,想要學AOW 進階潛水課程,或高氧證照等...都可以來找e哥唷! 沒有潛水證照,想要體驗,也歡迎找他帶你去"體驗潛水",一覽墾丁、後壁湖的海底世界美景!!


    安全潛水。 玩得開心。



FB 粉專  E 哥潛水

e哥 0958-858377





🔴 Learn scuba diving in Cebu my experience and suggestions for Taiwanese. 

    When I was learning English in Cebu Philippine, My friend ( She came from Japan) invited me to learn scuba diving together, Because everyone said that learn scuba diving was very cheaper there. So I got open water License in Cebu, only Spend two days. My instructor is a younger Japanese guy, I was surprised he said that “ Actually, you are my first students, I am so proud of you! “ He is a nice Instructor but I am so sorry because I cannot understand in my class and I always confuse for “what are you talking about? what's mean? “ And I don't know how to ask him about my questions use English, I also can't speak the Japanese Language.

After I have an open water diving license my first time diving is going to a popular place in Moalboal Cebu. Diving shop Have a instructor, he is came from Kong Kong, He tell me “ Safety Stop“,  I asked him “what mean? I can't understand this phrase meaning...” He was Surprise. he asked me “ Do you have an open water license? Really? And after diving, He said:"I always need to bring you, like bring an Explore Diving , not fun dive, You can't control your away and can't improve by yourself, So I suggest you practice diving more the time, You will become better, or when you go back to Taiwan, you can find a Taiwanese Instructor learning diving skills again.

    When I go back to Taiwan, I remembered, when I first time diving in Taipei, It was a terrible experience, I always up and down and I can't control my way and location. Everyone very shocks and worry about me. I know many scuba divers don't like diving with new divers because everyone wants to enjoy diving in the ocean, they don't wanna have a bad Diving Buddy and need to take care of them.  I am so sad, I want to dive with everyone and I want to enjoy diving, not always had some problems with them.

    In fact, I don't have nice scuba diving skills before, Because when am I learning scuba diving in Cebu, My Instructor speaks English to teach me, but my English listening and speaking not very well, many times I can't understand “what did you say? “ I think Scuba diving has a lot of importance some hard vocabulary needs to know and how to control myself for diving skills. So I got an open water License just only two days, without good diving skills.

    If you want to learn scuba diving, I have some suggestions for you, It's better to learn in Taiwan and chooses to speak the same language Instructors, it's better for understanding all of the diving skills. So I pay the money got a license,  but I wasted more time learn again in Taiwan. Why I don't learn one time only in Taiwan? After that, I can enjoy scuba diving in Cebu.

    Now, my diving skills better than before, I want to say thank you for my AOW Instructor James ”e哥”, Thank you teach me again all scuba diving skills. And I wanna recommend “e哥潛水”, He teaches Scuba diving for along times, He had a lot of experience, he had patient and always safe diving to take care of his students. If you want to learn open water (OW) or adventure (AOW), he is a good scuba diving Instructor. Go got the License and diving with us. This is my experience for learn scuba diving in Cebu, I just give my friends some Advice for getting a scuba diving license. Have safe diving always. Have fun.

😇  ps. My English grammar has many wrongs, please don't mind, I still learn English the same as learn scuba diving.
Learn forever.



FB 粉專  E 哥潛水

e哥 0958-858377

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